
  • Resolutions: Achieving Healthy Weight

    New Year, new you? It’s that time of year when we typically begin to realize that we’re probably not going to keep up with the resolutions we decided upon at the end of the previous year–a mere 2 weeks ago. Especially if that resolution was to simply “lose weight.” It’s one of the most common…

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  • 10 Common ER Visits

    Emergency room visits are generally not known for being positive experiences. To begin with, the reason for your visit is likely painful and scary. On top of that, there are often long wait times, particularly at hospital ERs, as you are added to a queue among other patients who will all be seen in the…

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  • Holiday Safety Tips

    The holidays are here, and with lighter COVID-19 guidelines from the CDC and travel bans lifted, celebrations will likely be in full swing this year. We hope you have a wonderful holiday, but make sure to keep safety in mind. Your Best Neighbors Ever want to make sure you are aware of all the potential…

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  • Urgent Care or ER? Where Should You Go?

    Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere. And when they do, you’ll need to quickly decide where to go: urgent care, or emergency room? You may see the words ‘urgent’ and ‘emergency’ and think they’re interchangeable due to the immediacy those words portray. But when it comes to sudden illness or injury, knowing the difference between an…

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  • Children with Asthma

    It’s a tough time of year for children with asthma. The change in temperature, the spread of respiratory illnesses among friends at school, and exposure to seasonal allergens can trigger asthma attacks, resulting in hospital visits and missed school days. It’s tough for the child and let’s face it, it’s tough for the parents, too.…

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  • COPD Awareness Month

    Have you or someone you love been suffering from shortness of breath, making it difficult to take part in normal daily activities? While you may shrug it off as just a symptom of getting older, it’s important to discuss these symptoms with your doctor, as they may be the result of a much more severe…

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  • Emergency Imaging Services Explained

    Emergency Imaging Services (or Emergency Radiology Services) refer to any medical imaging that occurs in the ER to diagnose illness or injury. These services include X-rays, CT scans, MRIs and ultrasounds. Who performs these imaging services? Rad Techs! Next week is National Rad Tech Week, and last year we celebrated with a blog that introduced…

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  • The Season of RSV

    The leaves are changing, there’s a crispness to the air, and the days are getting shorter. We all know what this means. Fall is here. Unfortunately, it means something else too. Although we have been dealing with COVID-19 for close to two years, the Cold and flu season is officially upon us. This can often…

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  • Breast Cancer: What You Need To Know

    The words “breast cancer” are perhaps the scariest words a woman can hear and without a doubt, it’s one of the scariest diagnoses a woman can receive. It attacks without bias and oftentimes with no warning at all. According to the CDC, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. About…

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  • Blog Round-Up: Prioritizing Self-Care

    Chances are you’ve heard of “self-care” before, but have you ever thought about what it really means? The definition of self-care is the practice of taking care of our minds, bodies, and souls by engaging in activities that will reduce stress and promote well-being. Self-care will look different for everyone, but one thing that is…

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