
  • Should I Donate Blood?

    Did you know that January is Blood Donor Awareness month? Blood donation is an important, life-saving donation for which there is no substitute. One in seven people will need a blood transfusion at some point in their lifetime, but only one in twenty of those who are eligible will donate. So, why should you donate…

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  • The Importance of Cervical Cancer Screening

    Approximately 13,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year. While formerly the most common cause of cancer deaths in women, cervical cancer deaths have been steadily on the decline, thanks in part to awareness about the disease and screening. Learn more about cervical cancer and prevention during cervical cancer awareness month, and make sure…

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  • 5 Questions to Achieve a Healthy Weight

    It’s the new year, when many people are thinking about resolutions – especially around their health and weight. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight through proper diet and exercise is a great goal. If you find yourself in this group, make sure that you are setting yourself up for long-term success by setting realistic, incremental…

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  • Immune Support to Keep you Healthy This Winter

    Your immune system defends you against pathogens – microorganisms that make you ill. How your immune system responds to germs and pathogens determines whether you get sick and how long you feel bad. So, can you ‘boost’ your immune system to make sure that it can keep you from getting sick? Let’s start with understanding…

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  • Support for Seasonal Affective Disorder

    Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a type of depression that is associated with the winter months when cooler weather and shorter days cause feelings of sadness, low energy, and other symptoms associated with depression. SAD is thought to be triggered by lower levels of serotonin, due to reduced sunlight, a disruption in melatonin, and…

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  • 5 Questions for…. Creating a Holiday Emergency Plan

    We all want to have enjoyable holidays, whether we’re creating memories with our friends or families, starting new traditions, or merely taking a needed break from our daily lives. No one wants a memorable holiday because of an emergency. While not all emergencies are avoidable, the 5 questions below can help you plan your holidays…

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  • Emergency Insurance Coverage in Texas

    Insurance coverage and medical billing are topics that we – understandably – get many questions on. Even as medical professionals, we can get confused by insurance language (luckily, we have a whole team of experts to help us and YOU navigate billing and insurance). Because the topic is complicated, we try to help our communities…

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  • The Different Types of Diabetes

    Diabetes is a chronic disease that develops when your body either does not make insulin or cannot use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone created by the pancreas and helps the body to pass glucose (sugar) from our food into the bloodstream to be used by the body. When this process doesn’t work…

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  • 6 Questions for… Recognizing Alzheimer’s Disease

    Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia frequently recognized by its hallmark forgetfulness. But Alzheimer’s is a degenerative brain disease that – different from standard age-related memory problems – starts a decade or more before symptoms of cognitive impairment appear. In this edition of our ‘5 Questions’ series, we’ll look at six (yes, more than…

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