Bath time can be fun for the whole family. Most kids love to splash and play in the water, and many parents love a warm bath for its calming effects that help lull kids to sleep. To ensure the safety of your children (and most fun!) during bath time, follow these important tips.

Always gather everything you need for bathtime before you run the water and put your child in.
This includes the toys they will play with, the towel to dry them, soap, washcloths, etc. Everything should be within an easy arm’s reach so that you keep your focus on your child.
Never leave your child unattended.
Never. Falling is a very common bath injury and drowning can happen in only one inch of water. It seems like common sense, but never leave a child alone near water.

Outfit your bathtub appropriately.
Anti-slip mats, faucet covers, water thermometers, and infant tubs are all common fixtures in homes with young children for a reason – they help keep bath time safe. Evaluate what you need for a safe bath and keep them close.
Check the water temperature.
The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests your faucet temperature should be no warmer than 120 degrees Fahrenheit, in order to prevent scalding. Hot water scalds are the top cause of burns among young children. As you draw bath water, test it on the inside of your wrist, and always turn the cold water on first and off last.

Drain the tub when you’re finished.
Don’t leave the bathroom with water in the tub. As mentioned earlier, it takes very little water to drown – just enough to cover your nose. Always drain the tub after bathtime to prevent accidents after you’ve left the bathroom.
Stay safe and enjoy bath time!
Dr. Mom