
  • Monoclonal Covid Treatment Explained

    Oh, what a year it has been. As we approach the year marker of COVID-19 shutting down the country, new hope for prevention and treatment is on the horizon. Even as the approval of new vaccines and treatments for the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus brings hope after a long and difficult year, it also raises several…

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  • Traumatic Brain Injuries: Common Causes and Symptoms

    Traumatic Brain Injuries, or TBIs, are a common cause of permanent injury and death in the United States. While severity levels vary from mild to critical, it’s estimated that 1.5 million Americans sustain TBIs every year. Of those 1.5 million, over 230,000 results in hospitalization, and 50,000 result in death. Severe TBI often causes comas,…

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  • Accidental Poisoning: National Inhalants and Poison Awareness Week

    They live in all of our homes, resting under sinks, sitting in cabinets, and stored in laundry rooms—cleaning and household products that are dangerous and potentially deadly. The third week of March is National Inhalants and Poison Awareness Week. While it was primarily created to bring awareness to the abuse of these products, there’s another…

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  • Copay Vs. Coinsurance

    Understanding your healthcare coverage can feel daunting, frustrating, and even rage-inducing. Trust us; we get it. Even after you’ve filled out every form, sifted through all the required reading, and followed every rabbit hole to try and find an answer, it can still feel like you’re at square one. According to a recent study done by…

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  • Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy

    It’s common knowledge that the kidneys are a major organ in the human body. They filter blood and remove excess waste and fluids. They also regulate the body’s potassium, acid, and salt content. Kidneys produce certain hormones that affect the function of other major organs. They stimulate red blood cell production and help to control…

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  • National Eating Disorders Awareness Month

    What are eating disorders? Eating disorders are a collection of psychiatric illnesses that also have severe physical impacts. Eating disorders often co-occur with other mental health conditions (like depression or anxiety) and have the highest mortality rate of all psychiatric disorders – both from the physical effects the various disorders have on the body and…

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  • Women and Girls in Science

    In honor of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we introduce some of the great women who work in the science of healthcare every day in our centers. As only 35% of students enrolled in STEM education, we recognize these women as great role models for girls in science education & beyond.…

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  • Bath Safety to Ensure Family Fun

    Bath time can be fun for the whole family. Most kids love to splash and play in the water, and many parents love a warm bath for its calming effects that help lull kids to sleep. To ensure the safety of your children (and most fun!) during bath time, follow these important tips. Stay safe…

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