Say hello to our administrative professionals!
Our dedicated staff works 24/7/365 to provide you with continuous emergency care, and we want you to get to know and love them as much as we do. April happens to bring us Administrative Professionals Day, so we’re taking this opportunity to introduce you to the team that keeps NEC running smoothly – day and night.
What does an administrative professional do?
What exactly is an administrative professional? The International Association of Administrative Professionals or (IAAP) defines administrative professionals as persons responsible for the coordination of information and office support and administrative tasks. At Neighbors, these tasks include greeting patients, maintaining health records, speaking with insurance companies, organizational support, managing all filing systems, creating and maintaining databases, scheduling, and much more. So with no further ado, let’s meet them.
Minerva Aguirre has been with neighbors for five and a half years and was recently promoted to Lead AA at the Crosby Neighbors Emergency Center. She loves being a mom to her six-year-old and newborn. She also loves to sing.


Over in Pasadena, we find Lead AA Ronda Peeler. Ronda has been a valued employee of Neighbors for six years! Her favorite thing to do? DIY projects. When not at work, you can find her around her home, making ordinary things unique and beautiful.
Rounding out our salute to administrative professionals is the Lead AA at our Porter location, Glynnis Ford. Glynnis has been with Neighbors for ten years, and we don’t know what we would do without her. Before the COVID-19 lockdown, Glynnis was an avid traveler and concertgoer. No doubt she’s planning her post-pandemic trips and shows with her new spouse (congrats on the wedding)!

Thank you to all our administrative professionals!
We mean it when we say we couldn’t run our centers without our administrators. They work tirelessly to support our clinical staff and our patients, and in the middle of a pandemic, that’s not easy. In short, these dedicated professionals are what keep offices around the world functioning, and without them, we’d all be a bit lost. With training needed in computer software, office equipment, and the need for expert communication skills, the administrative professional’s role is not an easy one to fill.
At Neighbors, we couldn’t be more grateful for the dedicated individuals who are the face of our emergency centers. Thank you to each and every one of our Administrative Professionals and our entire administrative team.